h ads are now available to all advertisers, along 4977550256203696919-blid-2719229307713673706

ตัวบน ตัวเดียว 2 ชุด 2-3(บน+ล่าง) ไม่ต้องกลับ งวดนี้ลงให้แล้ว ดูเลย 16/11/62 หมายเลขชนะ


  1. App campaign asset updates
    October 24, 2019
    App campaigns use your text, image, video and HTML5 assets to deliver relevant ads to app-happy users across Google. Over the coming months, we will update App campaign modeling to attribute traffic to each of your creative assets and improve the way campaigns select and serve asset combinations as ads. This will help you make more informed design decisions, particularly as new App ad inventory goes live on Discover and YouTube Search. Advertisers with active App campaigns will automatically adopt these updates, so no action is required from you. While we do not anticipate adverse impact to your App campaigns’ performance, you might see some shifts in your asset reporting metrics. Check out our creative best practices to get more out of these improvements as they roll out. Posted by Duo Wu, Product Manager, App Ads
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